News & Research

Kansas Department of Agriculture Launches First Cattle Brand Registration Program of Its Kind with Kelly Registration Systems Tool

>> New KRS software program provides automated and efficient solution for online registrations of cattle brands, quickens pace of business for Kansas livestock industry

COVINGTON, GA – (February 28, 2017) – Kelly Registration Systems, a leading provider of essential information and automation solutions to the agribusiness industry, today announced a new software program to manage cattle brands with online registrations of brands for state departments of agriculture and stockmen’s associations.

This first of its kind program is currently being implemented to manage Kansas’ livestock brand registrations. The state has some 16,000 brands. Kansas is one of several states that track livestock brands.

Historically, brand images have been hand-drawn and have included a 12-digit code, or “brandabetical,” to indicate which symbols made up the brand and their orientation. These were then filed brandabetically. A hardbound “brand book” was printed every five years with supplements provided annually.

According to Dr. Justin Smith of the Kansas Department of Agriculture, the previous process took much more time to conduct as it was manually driven. Once submitted, brands were reviewed and approved or rejected by mail, then payment had to be collected. The entire process could take several weeks to a month to complete. The entire process was labor intensive, required major oversight and could take several days to weeks to complete.

However, with KRS’ brands tool, brand images are uniquely drawn online by dragging and dropping approved symbols across the screen. Brandabeticals are automatically created and matched, thus the time to develop a brand image and associated data is drastically reduced and all images are consistent. Since it is all managed online, and brands are searchable and updated in real time, paper records are no longer necessary.

States can see potential matches to a requested brand image and make much quicker decisions about approval or denial of a new brand registration. Additionally, online registration submission means reduced turnaround time for applicants.

“Kelly’s brand registrations tool has surpassed everything we hoped it would be able to do,” said Smith. “While this tool is immensely helpful for the department staff internally, it ultimately empowers us to quicken the pace of commerce for the cattle business in our state by helping them get to their next step in the process more efficiently. Once we’re up and running with Kelly’s tool, we’ll be able to expedite the review and registration of new brands.”

“Kansas had a need for a simpler, quicker process to manage its livestock brands and registrations, and we built a tool that does just that. This tool has relevance for any state that manages livestock brands. The capability is the same whether the tool is used as a standalone product for a group that manages only livestock registrations or as part of a larger state tool for managing licenses and registrations,” said Stuart Edmondson, chief technology officer, Kelly Registration Systems.

For further information and to consider a new cattle brand registration program for your department or association, click here.


Laura Rotroff
Marketing & Communications Manager
Kelly Products, Inc.
14481 Lochridge Blvd.
Covington, GA 30014